I know, I know, your probably thinking that my math is terrible! Your probably right, however, 1 actually became 3! I'll tell you how. You see I have been thinking alot lately about becoming a Compassion correspondent. A correspondent is someone who takes over the part of writing to a child that is already being sponsored. The sponsor still takes care of the financial needs but someone else writes to their child. It's a great way for those of us who can only afford to financially sponsor one or two children to build relationships with more children and make a difference in their lives. It is such a pleasure to be able to write to children far away and tell them all about life in Canada and encourage them in their walk with God.
So, back to my bad math skills. I wrote an email to compassion Canada last week asking if they had any children who needed correspondents. I was so hoping for a yes but was disappointed a little to hear that they had a waiting list at the moment. I was hopeful however that God would bring a child who needed encouragement into my life. So I checked my email an hour later to see if the news was any better and oh wow it sure was!! Not only did they have a child for me, they had 2!! They had 2 young men from Rwanda that needed correspondents. I was very sad to hear that they had not received a letter since 2005! 5 years is a very long time when you are a 13 year old boy who could really use some extra encouragement at this time in your life. So the first thing I did as soon as I got the info I needed was send an email letter to both of them. It goes to the Canadian office and from there gets translated and sent to the field office in their country. It's a bit faster then mailing it. I wanted them to get a letter asap. When my email was sent I sat down at my table and wrote them both a letter and sent it by mail the next day so they should be receiving 2 letters from us close together. I wish I could see their faces when they get their first letters from us and are reassured that someone really does love and care about them. I can't wait to receive my first letter from them. I have sent so many letters lately and I know it will take months before I receive anything but I'm very happy to give some love to those who need it most.
So for those of you who already sponsor a child and haven't sent a letter, maybe today is a good day to sit down and write something. It doesn't have to be long or fancy, just a message of "I love you" and "your important to me" are really the most important words for them to hear.
If you don't sponsor a child and are thinking about it, I would suggest going to http://www.compassion.ca/ and checking it out.
May God bless you richly today!
* Andrea *
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