Friday, May 20, 2011

Real Beauty

What makes a woman beautiful? Is it her hair? Her skin? Her clothes (or lack of)? Maybe it’s how much make up she has on that day. Or how much Jewellery she’s wearing?  Whatever the world thinks of beauty is the opposite of what God thinks. The world has made beauty out to be something totally fake. Plastic surgery, LOTS of cosmetics, extreme dieting, all those awful things that women do to themselves to be ‘perfect’(?). Really, what is perfection? There is nothing (and no one) on earth that is perfect. So we can stop trying. How about we just be Real instead? Let’s be ourselves, children of Christ, loving in our attitudes and actions and giving of our time to serving others in his name. In doing those things which he calls us to do, we will be Beautiful women, women with gentle and quiet spirits, blessings to our husbands and children, and a joy to meet. Let’s show this world exactly what the CREATOR defines beauty as. Purity, Gentleness, Self-control, Love, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Joy, Goodness, just to name a few.  In 1 Peter 3 Beauty is defined by: “Beauty is something internal that can’t be destroyed. Beauty expresses itself in a gentle and quiet attitude which God considers precious (vs.4).” No where in that passage does it say anything about the physical appearance. Huh, just goes to show how very unimportant our looks are to the one who made us. So let’s show him how beautiful we really are on the inside.

I want to dedicate this post to all the women in my life. You all are very beautiful!

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